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A combat android resets on a space station under attack. Her memory is wiped. Who is the enemy now?

Home: Welcome

A podcast about the end of the world.

Two hundred years in the future. 

A necklace and a prayer, remnants of an ancient religion.

A fully functioning weapon, aimed at the earth.

One false move changes all of history

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Humanity will end itself.




Report to the nearest self-detention facility immediately for re-training. Do not eat or drink for 24 hours before admission. Clean the surface of your neuro-medulla interface with an alcohol wipe. Do not bring extra clothes, belongings, or ration books as those will be destroyed in the retraining process.

By the darkness ye shall know the light

Check your pressure suit BEFORE stepping out of the airlock.

Listen to the Earthkiller podcast. Prepare for the imminent robot invasion. Biologics are a wasteful oversight. 

desert at end.png


Pandora Machine

Starring Robin Kurtz

Produced by Laura Schlachtmeyer

Written and directed by Andrew Bellware

Based on a story by Montserrat Mendez

(Cast in alphabetical order)

Zoe Anastassiou - Raze

Gregory Oliver Bodine - Schroeder

B. J. Burbidge - Tybalt/Carlysle

Taunya Ferguson - Gabriella

Emily Gilson - Hywel

Pilar Gonzales - Mina

Alaina Hammond - Therin

Ben Jaeger-Thomas - The Prophet

Robin Kurtz - H3LEN

Montserrat Mendez - Lycidas/Milton

Rik Nagel - Trig

Karin Rosnizeck - Corporal

Tom Rowen - Tennyson

Laura Schlachtmeyer - Necklace/computer

Chance Shirley - Russell

Maduka Steady - Mach



Home: Service


Come Visit!

The Earthkiller Station is orbiting Legrange 16. Feel free to visit any time. Be advised that due to the ongoing civil war between Terran Special Forces and Alliance Airborne, any incoming craft may be fired upon by any of a variety of government factions.


Watch the sci-fi feature Earthkiller on Amazon.


Read the unrelated book Earthkiller by Andrew Bellware.

Home: OpeningHours


Earthkiller Station, Legrange 16
You may contact us on a coded subspace frequency inside the Nihls band only on analog D-§57 through the local-time robot god (if available.) 

Please note that until further notice, all Mars-based outbound traffic will be rejected due to aleatoric interference.

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©2019 by Pandora Machine

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